Thursday, October 29, 2015

Considering Types

In this blog post, I will look at different types of public argument, and discuss which would be bet suited for me.

"Arguments" (via Zazzle). 
I think that the style that will work best for me is the proposal argument. It doesn't really appeal to me to compose an argument that offers no solution. I want to offer help to people with diabetes who are looking for alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Since I think I want to do a cooking show, I think that it is most likely to propose an option.

I do not want to compose a position argument, because I do not want to tell people that sweeteners are good or bad. I just want to help them explore other options.

I don't think that refutation would be good either because I don't really want to take a side. I think that diabetic health should be taken seriously, and it doesn't create any progress to just call out a side of an argument.

I think that the only other type that I would even consider writing would be a causal argument. Why were artificial sweeteners created? Why do people eat them? What causes people to be skeptical? I think that it is interesting to look at the root of the problem because it can lead to the problem being solved.

I read Bailey's Rhetorical PlanBailey's Considering TypesStef's Rhetorical Plan, and Stef's Considering Types. I think that both of them made good calls on what will work for their projects and what won't work for their projects. Reading their posts reassured me that I feel confident about the type of argument that I will use.


  1. I think that doing a proposal argument would work really well for your type of argument and your topic of study. I think that it is a good idea to use that one and I also like that you said that you want to offer help to people. I agree with what you decided you shouldn't use.

  2. WOW. I really feel as if I am lacking creativity in this project. I have read yours and Lia's and so far mine seems SO boring. I love your idea of a cooking show! I love to cook so I don't know why I didn't think of that. I feel like I might create kind of like a campaign video or shocking news video on childhood obesity, but I am unsure still. I think your proposal argument is that best way to help people with diabetes because you would give them a proper solution to deal with their disease.

  3. I definitely agree that proposal argument would be the best way to go for what you are trying to accomplish. I think this idea is SUPER clever and that it is going to be super cool!

  4. I like the idea of offering a solution to the problem. I was not able to do that with mine because my issue isn't rooted from a problem. For you it would go really well with the cooking show. I think that you have a good grasp on your project thus far.


Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post, I will reflect on the feedback provided by my peers on my final project. I reviewed  Grace's  letter and  Aaron's...