Thursday, October 1, 2015

Analyzing Message in "Chipotle is Sued for Non-GMO Advertising"

In this blog post, I will take a look at the message that the author tries to get across to the reader in the article that I chose for project 2.

"Chipotle Logo" (via CourageConnection).
The most relevant bullet listed in the reading is "respond to a particular occasion or text." This is because the entire article is about the author taking a side because Chipotle was accused of advertising for something that was a lie. In addition, "express an idea or concern." The author expresses a concern for consumers who are being lied to, and also companies that use "trendy fears" such as GMO to hike up prices.

The least relevant is "analyze, synthesize or interpret." There is really nothing complex about the topic to be analyzed. The author presents the information that Chipotle lied, they're wrong, people should be mad. Also, there is nothing that the author presents as "misunderstood," like stated in one of the bullets. The only thing that may be seen as misunderstood is what consumers are actually eating.

There are primarily two layers to the message. The first layer is that companies are lying to you about what is going into your food/product/good. The second layer  is that they are lying to you because you are freaking out over anything that may not be good for you.

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