Monday, September 28, 2015

Cultural Analysis of "Chipotle Sued Over Anti-GMO Advertising"

I have decided to base my project on the article "Chipotle Sued Over Anti-GMO Advertising." In the following blog post, I will analyze the article for cultural messages.

"Cultural Globe" (via Practical Cultural Guidelines).

The most important cultural key words/ phrases in this article are- "anti-GMO,"  and "food with integrity." Culturally, The United States is evolving. As a people, we want to eat things that are good for us, and produced morally. Of course, there will always be people who don't care, but if given the choice, many people would choose a naturally grown cucumber, instead of one that was grown using hormones (if everything else was held constant).

The main thesis of this article is that Chipotle (and other companies that lie about GMOs) should be punished, because the consumer deserves to know about the food that they are eating.

The cultural key words help support the thesis, because the author uses them to strengthen the argument. If the reader assumes that the culture that they belong to values brand honesty, and naturally grown foods, maybe they will be more likely to agree with the author. These are broad cultural concepts, and even though the article is targeted at an American audience, more cultures than just America value the concepts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just a heads up, I tried clicking the link to your article, but it actually took me to a comment that you had written on another blog. You probably just accidentally copied & pasted the wrong thing.


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