Thursday, October 1, 2015

Analyzing My Own Assumptions

In this blog post, I will explore my own cultural values and beliefs in contrast to norms assumed in the article that I have chosen.

"Belief Venn Diagram" (via Wikipedia). 
I share the belief that businesses should not lie to consumers. Truth be told- I will continue to eat at Chipotle anyway (am I a bad person?). I think that businesses should be ethical on their own, without government standards, and I agree that Chipotle is in the wrong by lying to consumers.

I believe that GMOs should be avoided, but I do not put any large amount of energy into avoiding them. In addition, there is NO WAY that I am going to spend $3 on the all-natural cucumber, when I can have the regular one for $1. I don't think that I value non-GMO as much as the author assumes that I do.

This article is written for the culture that I am a part of, which is American culture. This article was also written for the culture in today's time.

I read Lia's Blog and Hunter's Blog. I think that both of my classmates were able to draw out important cultural values, and it was interesting to see their take on it. I think that they are similar to me, because they both seem to know what they value culturally.


  1. I think this article is interesting, because it deals with two issues. First, the issue of advertising, and second, the issue of GMO foods. I agree that businesses shouldn't lie to consumers, but isn't it a fine line to draw? Advertisements lie to customers all the time in subtle ways to persuade people to buy their product.

    I didn't read the article thoroughly, but I'm wondering how Chipotle could get away with such a blatant lie as the headline of the article suggests. Was there some small bit of truth that Chipotle was basing their ad off of? It would be very troubling to know if they had were just lying baldfaced, versus if they were stretching the truth.

  2. I really liked your article. However, I completely disagree with what you have to say about GMOs. It is better to pay now more, than to pay later when you're in the hospital due to GMOs, processed foods, etc. For example, my grandmother developed a cancerous growth due to pesticides on her lettuce. From that day on, I have tried my best to eat all organic and non-GMO foods in order to support the cause. Maybe over time they will be cheaper if more people buy them? It was terrible for chipotle to lie to people because I know that I would be upset if i was lied to by a well-known food company. I like how you stated your opinions though. I think you could mention more about the culture and how non-GMOs impact the world around us and not only you persay. Great analysis though.

  3. I agree with what you're saying about how businesses should be ethical but not on their own because they won't. They'll do whatever makes their profit the highest as they need and want money to grow as a company. You have a solid analysis though so good job!


Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post, I will reflect on the feedback provided by my peers on my final project. I reviewed  Grace's  letter and  Aaron's...