Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

In this blog post, I share a mind map of the sucralose in Pepsi controversy. Keep in mind that I have never used Coggle before, so bare with me!

In this cluster, I separated pro on one side, and con on the other. On the pro side, I explain research supporting sucralose, with the FDA and Pepsi as the main sucralose activists. On the con side, I explain research against sucralose, with science journals and natural health activists as the main people of anti-sucralose.

Hunter's mind map was very well organized, and he utilized the different colors that were available very well. Lia's was also very organized, but was a little bit harder to follow because there was so much information.  After looking at my peer's Coggle creations, I realized that mine had all the right information, but was a bit of an eye sore.


  1. Your cluster is very informative and I like how you used short sentences rather than long explanations. The cluster itself is a little difficult to follow just because it is a little scattered. The use of different colors were very god because it divided up the cluster into categories.

  2. I like your information that you provided in your cluster map and I think that I understand the goal of the organization that you were heading to. I think that it could have been organized a little bit better because looking at it from a smaller image it looks confusing.

  3. I like the pro/con set up, and the color coding, that was very logical. However, you don't mention a lot of specific groups that are involved. For instance, is there a particular scientific journal that has reported on this issue? The example you had with the FDA was good, because that was a specific agency, which gave you credibility. And just for visual advice, you might want to manually adjust the length of the branches so they aren't so bunched up, and the text is easier to read. It takes a little playing around to get used to. Interesting controversy, though!


Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post, I will reflect on the feedback provided by my peers on my final project. I reviewed  Grace's  letter and  Aaron's...