Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Project 3 Outline

In this blog post, I will create an outline for my 3rd project, the cooking video.

"Video 3" (via easternfisheries). 
For the introduction of the video, I will use the technique called "Define or Narrow the Problem." This makes the most sense because I want to introduce artificial sweeteners to my viewer, and let them know what the issues are. This sets up the video because I will be providing a recipe that shows alternatives to artificial sweeteners.

Major supporting arguments:
Sweeteners are unnatural,  they cause your body to want more because blood sugar has not changed, they can  upset the micro-bacteria in the gut, many were discovered by accident in a lab, they contain chlorine.

Major Criticisms:
There is no definitive evidence proving that they are harmful, they are fine in moderation, genetically modified foods are safe, they are great for people who cannot have sugar (like diabetics).

Key Support and Rebuttal:
Studies have shown that they do negatively impact the body, going natural is always the safest bet when on a restrictive diet.

Topic Sentences:
Although scientists' studies showed that artificial sweeteners were safe when they were first discovered, new studies with advanced techniques and technology show that artificial sweeteners negatively impact the human body.
-Increase in cancers since Aspartame was approved
-Lymphoma and Leukemia occurred in animals fed artificial sweeteners

When on a restrictive diet, such as low carbohydrate, eating natural and raw foods is often the best option because nature has the best recipes.
-Improve Glycemic Control
-Lose Weight

Map of My Argument:
Coggle is formatted in questions that I will be answering in my cooking video.

I will conclude with "Positive Consequences." I want to leave the viewer with the positives of leading a healthy lifestyle by avoiding artificial sweeteners, and how to consume a diet free of artificial sweeteners.

I read Michaela's Blog and Hunter's Blog.  My classmates seem to have a pretty good idea of what they will create for project 3. I think that the coggle was really helpful to allow me and my classmates to get out thoughts down for what will go into the project.


  1. Since you don't have evidence for the rebuttal, will you be bringing it up at all? I think you should at least mention it but let your readers know that there is no evidence. Everything else looks really good, nice work!

  2. Since you don't have evidence for the rebuttal, will you be bringing it up at all? I think you should at least mention it but let your readers know that there is no evidence. Everything else looks really good, nice work!


Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post, I will reflect on the feedback provided by my peers on my final project. I reviewed  Grace's  letter and  Aaron's...