Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Writing Process

1. I like to consider myself having a wide variety of writing attributes, some good and some bad. I can often fit the description of a type A personality- motivated, easily stressed, "get it out of the way" attitude. My writing style definitely reflects my personality, and with that in mind, I have the writing style of a "heavy planner." I can't stand revising my own essays. I don't mind proof reading for spelling or grammatical mistakes, but I would honestly rather rewrite a paper with a whole new idea than reconfigure something that just doesn't work. I spend most of my time planning, so that hopefully that doesn't happen. See the photo below for how I see procrastinators.

2. I don't see my writing having any of the other listed styles. I don't procrastinate because if I can't be in bed by 9 o'clock at the latest, I am not a happy person! I feel like my writing isn't an equal balance of planning and editing either. I like to write outlines, think things through, and try my best to stay on top of everything.

3. For the most part, my process works for me. I am really good at knowing what I'm going to say, as opposed to writing it as I go along. My weakness is definitely revision. I always read over my work and fix what I can, but I get easily frustrated with moving things around and replacing.

4. I don't really think it would benefit me to try a different approach. It may be nice to try to be more balanced, but I think by now people have figured out what works best for them.
Justin Boyd, "Procrastinator" 07/14, via cheezburger.

 I learned that everyone has different styles. Lia is more balanced, and Lauren is a last-minute kind of person. Reading about other's styles just made me realize that everyone is different. Not everything works the same way for each person. I think that people really don't change when it comes to the approach they take writing. Writing is something that we all have to do to be successful in life, but if it's not your thing, don't choose a career that revolves around it.


  1. I feel like we are the same person! I love going to bed early so part of that is not procrastinating. I dislike finessing papers so I prefer to do a deep plan so I don't have to revise my paper as much. Similar to you, I have a hard time revising. I find it challenging to find things to revise and make better about my paper.

  2. It’s interesting that you dislike revise so much. I’m the opposite. I know that the first draft I create is far from my best work, and so revising is a very important part of my process. I couldn’t imagine planning out an entire paper and trying to write it all in one shot. For me, after a while my planning isn’t productive anymore, as I think you already read in my post. It’s also intriguing that you would rather start over than revise more heavily. If I tried that technique, I think it would feel like I was working backwards, and had just wasted a lot of effort on what I was abandoning. But I’m glad that your process works well for you.

  3. To be honest, I am somewhat jealous of you being a heavy planner. I try, and I always ends up straying away from my outlines and going a completely different direction. I can see where you're coming from when you say you hate revising. I am the same way, except instead of planning to prevent it, I usually just convince someone to do it for me.

  4. I think that being a balanced writer is exactly where you want to be. Everyone's writing style is very unique, so not everyone will fit definitely under one of the categories listed. I think you've found what works best for you, and if it gets you good grades, then just stick with what you've been used to doing. Also, if you're not good at revision, get someone to help you out. There's lots of resources on campus, and plenty of people who would go over your work with you and help you revise it!


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