Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Calendar Reflection

After completing the weekly calendar exercise, I came to the conclusion that I have a lot going on, but the things that I make time for are all necessary.

I will not give up my 9-10 hours of sleep a night, school, or homework time. If I could, I would quit my job because I hate it (and it eats up 20 hours of my week), but unfortunately I need it for my resume. I am taking some online classes which are convenient because I can fit them in whenever I want.

The most important thing to me is being able to do all of the things that I have to do and still have time for my family. It makes me want to cry when I don't get to have family dinner or go to a birthday party because I'm working or have to do something else.

I get easily stressed out if I don't have balance in my life, and that's why I try to stay on top of all of my stuff.

After reading about what my classmates have to say, I think there is a bit of general panic. Hunter isn't sure how he's going to be able to go to the gym and see friends, and Allison is going to have to do homework until dinner every night. It's definitely nice knowing that I'm not the only one who is stressed, but it made me realize that making time to make yourself happy is very important.


  1. Olivia,

    I completely agree with you about the importance of balance. Getting enough sleep, and spending time with the important people in your life are pre-requisites to academic success. It's great to see that you have enough perspective to know the value of these things. Best of luck this semester!

  2. Hi Olivia,

    I hope all has been going well for you! I have 3 follow-up questions about your post

    1. Were you easily able to balance your life and avoid any stress?

    2. Have you been able to keep you sleep schedule the way you wanted to and spend time with your family?

    3. What did you find was the easiest and most effective way to balance everything you had going on?

    Ayra Sabir


Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post, I will reflect on the feedback provided by my peers on my final project. I reviewed  Grace's  letter and  Aaron's...